Books and Recordings

Table of Contents: Stories in my Pocket

A Story in my Pocket

Storytelling Tips for Kids


Choosing a Story to Tell

Learning Your Story

Telling Your Story

Thirty Stories to Tell With Suggestions on How to Tell Them

How To Use Our Suggestions for Telling the Stories

Starter Stories

The Beautiful Dream (Native American/Navajo)
The Mysterious Box (Scandivavia)
The Night the Moon Fell Into the Well (Turkey)
The Bundle of Sticks (Greece/Aesop)
Who Will Fill the House? (Latvia & Lithuania)
Oh That's Good! No, That's Bad/(United States)

Next Step Stories

The Mouse and the Sausage (France)
How Coyote Was the Moon (Native American/Kalispel)
Tilly (England, Canada, United States)
The Biggest Lie (Russia)
The Biggest Donkey of All (Armenia, Russia, Turkey)
Why Crocodile Does Not Eat Hen (Africa/Bantu)
The Brave But Foolish Bee (Greece/Aesop)
The Fox and His Tail (Mexico & Nicaragua)
Bat Plays Ball (Native American/Creek)
Do They Play Soccer in Heaven? (United States)

Challenging Stories

Bracelets (by Laurel Hodgden)
Skunnee Wundee and the Stone Giant (Native American/Iroquois)
On a Dark and Stormy Night (United States)
Clytie (Greece)
The Golden Arm (England)
The Silversmith and the Rich Man (Jewish)
Why Anansi the Spider Has a Small Waist (West Africa)
King Midas and the Golden Touch (Greece)

Most Challenging

The Mirror That Caused Trouble (Korea)
The Paper Bag Princess (by Robert Munsch)
Who Will Close the Door? (India)
The Stonecutter (Japan)
Wait Till Whalem Balem Comes (African-American)
Master of All Masters (England)

Guidelines for Adults Who Will Be Helping Kids Tell Stories

Why Children Should Be Given the Opportunity To Tell Stories

Fostering Storytelling at Home

Storytelling in the School, Camp, or Other Group Setting

How to Teach Kids to Tell Stories

Where Children Can Tell Stories

Related Creative Activities

Good Luck with Your Storytelling Adventures

Appendix: Story Sources
